Enjoy part 3 of Mary's at-home program geared toward seniors!
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Enjoy Mary's second installation of her at-home workout routine for seniors (and anyone who wants to try it!). If you live in Evanston, chances are you know super trainer Mary Cox of MPower Fitness. If you DON'T know her, here's your chance! Mary works with many senior clients to help them maintain and better their strength and mobility. Considering this current CoronaClimate, Mary has created a series of at-home workouts geared specifically for seniors (though anyone can do them) to help manage stress, to help people continue to move and stay healthy. We'll be posting Mary's videos as they come out so for now, enjoy Part 1! A friend of mine let me know she hadn't had any human contact with anyone in 5 days. Not a single high five or hug... And this friend loves hugs. Needless to say she's -- WE'VE -- been going through lots of emotions lately and the thought of limiting our human interaction for who knows how long can feel... Well, I don't have to tell you. We need a hug. And mental clarity. And, from what I've heard from at least three people today, we need to get the kinks out of our necks that have settled in from less-than-ideal posture. Enter the Egg Roll, one of my favorite Original Strength moves! I'll tell you why I love it below but if you're in a hurry to feel better, here's how you do it:
Watch this video below: Here are a few reasons I LOVE this movement:
Practice this rad move for a few minutes per day and let me know how you feel in the comments below! Stay safe, stay healthy and keep moving! Dear TruFit community,
Like you, we have been preoccupied with the ever-changing and evolving information about COVID-19. I have been monitoring the guidelines outlined from the WHO and CDC as well as our local Evanston government officials. Our priority is providing the TruFit community with a comfortable and safe environment. We want you to get healthy here at the studio and stay healthy outside of it. With that in mind, we want you to be aware of how we are working to reduce the risk of communicable disease at TruFit:
This situation remains fluid, with constantly changing information. Our promise to you is to be as transparent as possible as we make the best decisions that we can to keep our studio a safe place for all of us. With warm regards and clean hands, |
April 2024
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